Metaformismo Action 2020: Fondazione Giulia Sillato

Giulia Sillato Foundation, established in 2017, deals with high-profile Italian Contemporary Art. The foundation is chaired by art historian Giulia Sillato, who conceived and developed the magnificent art concept named Metaformismo.
Metaformismo© is a new interpretation of non-figurative artistic expressions from the twentieth century, mainly recognizable in Abstract Art, of which infinite interpretative possibilities have been identified simply resorting to sight to distinguish its various forms (František Kupka epitomised them in his Amorpha, while Wassily Kandinsky created them in large numbers called Compositions, sometimes Improvisations).
Italian artists were invited to display their pictorial works in a virtual exhibition Exportdrvo - Rijeka, European capital of culture. The following artist works will be showcased: Giuseppe Tedeschi
Emilio Belotti
Jole Caleffi
Giulio Cavanna
Sebastjan Centi Rosetta D’Alessandro
Enzo Devastato
Massimo Fumanti
Cristiana Grandolfo
Osvalda Pucci
Tiberio Rilli Pietra Stone
Roberto Tigelli
“Learn the rules like an expert, so you can break them like an artist”, Pablo Picasso said, thus setting precise terms for the genesis of modern art. This is the principle inspiring Metaformismo©.
Metaformismo Action Official Trailer
Metaformismo Action© is present at the Exportdrvo Warehouse, Official Pavilion of Rijeka European Capital of Culture, in two versions:
Virtual Exhibition
Exportdrvo, Rijeka
17 December 2020 – 17 January 2021
Real Exhibition Exportdrvo, Rijeka 1 – 30 March, 2021
The exhibition will be opened:
Thursdays and Fridays from 3.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 11.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
The exhibition catalogue is available at: Exportdrvo Reception
For more information, visit: